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An exquisite Faberge gilded silver, enamel and diamond vesta case, workmaster Henrik Wigstrom, St. Petersburg, circa 1908-1917 with original Faberge scratched inventory number 23010. The striped white enamel body edged with scrolling red and green foliate motifs, the interior gilded and inscribed “Bridget from Benjamin Scotland Aug 1913”, diamond set thumb-piece. The interior struck with Faberge, workmaster’s marks, 88 Russian silver standard and faint Faberge scratched inventory number. Dimensions: 1 7/8 x 1 in. (4.8 x 2.5 cm).
Provenance: Sold in Faberge’s London shop on September 9, 1913 to Benjamin Guinness for £20. He was the son of Richard Seymour Guinness and Elizabeth Jane Susanna Darley. Guinness was in the Royal Navy and retired in 1891 with the rank of Lieutenant. He was also the director of the New York Trust Company.
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